Friday, February 8, 2013

Viss-ual Perspectives

Laeviss talks about Odin's eyes: Laeviss says that when Loki first met Odin, he had two very beautiful and expressive eyes. One of the things Loki remembers best is the expression of wry amusement Odin used to wear almost continually when dealing with him. Loki is much attracted to mirth and admits to encouraging the humorous aspects of their friendship almost to a fault, but Odin rarely chastised him for this, as he had an advanced sense of humor himself. Odin wanted to be as well-versed in magic as Freyja and Loki, and required that his wife and brother share their magical secrets with him. Loki warned Odin that he could lead him to the gambling hall, but unless he opened his pouch and laid down his gold it would avail him not. Odin wouldn't offer to the Goddess that which he couldn't give, but Odin is nearly as crafty as Loki (maybe even craftier) and when presented with a wall instead of a door he will look for a window, and if one isn't available he'll have Thor make one. He'll go sideways to get forward. Anyway, when the usual offering was the testicles, Odin gave an eye. Laeviss says it would have been his right eye symbolically that he offered in sacrifice. Laeviss says this made him lose visual perspective, but gain greatly in spiritual perspective.

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