Friday, November 1, 2013

Laeviss on Love Magick

Laeviss has been around the bend, so to speak, over love before, and has been working magick for over 30 years. So he will safely say that if it involves intensity of attraction, affection and desire, Laeviss has been there and felt those emotions. Unfortunately, those sort of emotions are often accompanied by longing, despair and loneliness when that sincerely held affection is not returned by the object of desire, or a once-beloved spouse has rejected the marriage.
Laeviss has often been asked, over the course of his life, to provide magickal means to accomplish the sort of ends that aren't being materially manifested by a particular individual. Usually, the petitioner will say something like, "How can I make So-and-so return my affections?"
Laeviss will give all of you reading this the Super Special Magickal Secret...are you ready for it? It's called "You can't."
Hear that, O Beings Desirous of Learning Magickal Lore! Despite the best efforts of popular fantasy media (cue Facebook mug shot of Boromir at the Council of Elrond) one simply cannot "make" anyone do, think, feel or desire anything that they aren't already inclined to do.
Got that?
Stop any thought of trying to control other people. You can't. You can't control how they think, how they feel, and, most especially, you cannot control who they desire.
Now, after you have all assimilated that concept into your core being, you are likely to sniffle and whine, "But that means that love magick doesn't work, and there's nothing I can do to ease my suffering."
Laeviss says to this, "Haven't you been reading my blog? Laeviss is all about magick. Of course there is something you can do." And he will now tell you what that something is.
Instead of trying to manipulate or control a person who is uninterested in the sort of relationship you desire (which is unethical, immoral and a waste of time, besides) why not concentrate on drawing towards yourself a person or persons who *are* interested in what you are offering?
To this end, make a list of all of the qualities you find necessary in the sort of relationship you desire, and concentrate on this list. (My suggestion is to also make a five-year and a ten-year plan for your life, including what your life goals are, where you want to be living, what you want to be doing as a career, the sort of relationship/family you want to have, etc.) These life plans will give you a good blueprint of how you want your life to proceed, and what sort of life partner/s you want to have share these goals.
Remember, a good relationship isn't all about great sex, and an attractive mate. A person could be so hot that they sizzle in your presence, and the feelings might be mutual, but if their life goals don't match your own, any relationship with them is going to go down like the Titanic when it hits the iceberg of real life issues.
Now that you have your idea of the perfect partner/s, and your life goals in hand, you are ready to make your love talisman.
Find a token that represents your quest for love. Make it small enough that you can carry it with you at all times. Rings, keychains and pendants work great for this. (Make sure that there is *no residual energy* left on the token from its past use or creation. If you find any there, make sure you do a spiritual cleansing on the object first, before using it as your talisman.)
Now, get your list of all of the qualities you desire in a partner. Project those qualities into the talisman, telling it that this is exactly what you're looking for in a mate. Remember, do not specify individuals by name! You can't control anybody except yourself! You are just making a device that will project out to the universe exactly what you are looking for, and drawing towards yourself those people who fit those parameters and are actually interested in potential relationships.
Be sure to tell the talisman that the person you're looking for in a mate should have similar values to yourself and similar life goals for the future.
Voila, you now have a magickal talisman that will broadcast your receptivity to new relationships. It will draw to you interested parties, and you can meet them and mutually decide if you are right for each other.
It will work faster for parties in close proximity than if potential partners live far away (though I've seen cases where people have moved into close proximity after the talisman was created) and the magickian should always act in accordance with the goal in order to assure maximum success. This means you need to get out there and meet people, possibly try online dating, or join campus groups if you're a college student.
Now wear or carry your talisman with you, and be open to new possibilities.


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